Rainier Beach High School

Rainier Beach
High School

October Newsletter from Principal Patu

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Greetings Viking Families,

I hope this newsletter finds you well!  We have three weeks until the end of Quarter 1 (November 6th) and we are excited for the growth and progress of our scholars since day one.  The three Tier 1 initiatives we launched this summer are going strong; cell phone free zones, attendance, and closed campus.  Our scholars report feeling more focused and less distracted in classes, having a sense of urgency to get to school and class each day on time, and making good choices during the lunch period to engage in healthy social activities.  We aren’t perfect, but there are positive changes in the culture of how our scholars show up and engage in all learning spaces.  Thank you for your partnership in helping us to support instructional excellence at RBHS!

Last week, we celebrated over 300 students who had 3 or less absences and/or tardies since the beginning of the school year with an ice cream sundae social during both lunches.  On October 22nd, our 11th grade class takes a trip to the Seattle Opera to enjoy “Jubilee”, a performance celebrating the foundational roots of spirituals and its influence into all genres of music.  We are also rewarding our students every week with Beach Swag for following the Beach 5 and demonstrating the IB Learner traits.  Below, please find important information, upcoming events and activities.  Stay updated and connected by downloading the Rainier Beach School Mobile App on your device.

Principal Patu

SENIOR Meeting (students only) – Wednesday, October 23, during Advisory in PAC

  • Counselors will review important updates and schedule individual credit check meetings with seniors and families if needed.
  • Cap and Gown Info for Graduation – June 12th @ 8pm at Memorial Stadium
  • Senior Behavior Expectations for the year

STUDENT LED CONFERENCES – Tuesday, November 26th, 9am-7pm

There will be no regular school schedule this day as all 9th, 10th and 11th graders will be participating in their STUDENT-LED CONFERENCE (SLC) at their scheduled time.  SLCs will be facilitated by your scholar and their advisory teacher.  You will be receiving a request to schedule your SLC (20 minute time slots) on this day starting November 1st.  This is an amazing time for families to hear your scholars current academic progress, their strengths and challenges, and their hopes and dreams for their future.  12th graders will have the opportunity to attend Career and College preparation activities throughout the day.

SATURDAY SCHOOL – This Saturday 10/27 and 11/2, 10am-2pm in our Cafeteria

We will be hosting Saturday School for any student who needs extra support from our staff to complete assignments or make up tests or projects.  Please consider having your scholar attend if they are receiving below a C in their current courses.  We will be sending out reminders for all students who are on the D/E list (have one or more Ds or Es).


September focused on INQUIRER: Enthusiastic learners who actively seek knowledge. They possess a natural curiosity and are driven to explore the world around them.  Congratulations to these scholars and staff:

  • 9th Grade – Mustafa Dukereah and Abdifatah Adan
  • 10th Grade – Melanie Basurto and Calvin Pham
  • 11th Grade – Aida Sarr and Zekeriyia Kedir
  • 12th Grade – Johnny Pham and Kiera Morrow
  • Staff – Mr. Jefferson (Ceramics instructor)


  • Please complete Final Forms for boys/girls basketball, boys/girls wrestling.


  • December 17th IB Pathways Night



We are in great anticipation for our new building!  Currently, April 11th will be our last day in the “old” building.  We will be physically moving to the new building for Phase 3 during Spring Break and students will start in new building on April 21st.  I will be sure to send you updates along the way.  You can read more here and watch live videos of the updates.  https://rainierbeachhs.seattleschools.org/about/r-b-h-s-replacement-project/