Rainier Beach High School

Rainier Beach
High School
Student Family Portal
Rainier Beach High School


About Rainier Beach High School

Rainier Beach is a comprehensive high school with the smaller size that many parents prefer. This provides more personalized education in which the staff is able to know students well – a key factor in student achievement.

Through the International Baccalaureate program, the arts and music classes, and the CTE and Computer Science classes, students work with a group of teachers over a period of time.

Strong mentoring programs support incoming ninth-graders in the transition to high school. This continues until students graduate. We have created a climate in which all students feel a sense of belonging, and these efforts are paying off in improved student achievement – our shared goal for all of our students.

Some of our highlights include:

  • The International Baccalaureate program offers students and families a great opportunity to participate in the IB diploma program during their high school years. It offers excellent college preparation and a well-rounded education.  It is open to any student who has completed the necessary prerequisites; it is not a “test in” program.
  • Approximately 29 community partners, in addition to the PTSA, supporting academics, college planning  and social/emotional needs
  • A strong athletic program focused on the academics and creating student-athletes
  • Arts and music programs
  • A small school atmosphere in which students are known by many adults in the building

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

To empower our students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and compassionate leaders through the support of families, staff, and community; and to excel academically and creatively in a multicultural world.

Our Vision

Rainier Beach High School prepares students to be innovative problem solvers who share responsibility for their success.

Contact Us

8815 Seward Park Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98118

Main: 206-252-6350
Fax: 206-252-6351
Attendance: 206-252-6354

Principal: Annie Patu alpatu@seattleschools.org

Assistant Principal: Dr. Scott Pierce espierce@seattleschools.org

Assistant Principal: Jennifer Kekuna jmkekuna@seattleschools.org

School Administrator: LaNita Thomasson lthomasson@seattleschools.org

Building Rentals

Rainier Beach High School facilities are available for rent to the public. To reserve a space, please first confirm availability with Ms.Thomasson, 206-252-6350.

Building Rental instructions and the application