Rainier Beach High School

Rainier Beach
High School


Rainier Beach High School Library

new library
Design concept for our NEW library!

The mission of Rainier Beach library is to inspire students, staff, and community members to be life-long learners, critical thinkers, informed decision makers, ethical users and creators of ideas and information, and compassionate leaders who help create a more equitable and peaceful world.

Internet Access

Families seeking free or affordable home Internet access can now apply for assistance from Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). If used in conjunction with several local affordable Internet providers, eligible families can have FREE Internet at home!

For example, if your family applies and is eligible for both Internet Essentials from Comcast and ACP, your home Internet access can be FREE. This solution is better and more sustainable than a hotspot.

RBHS Academic Honesty Policy

General Research Resources

Immigration/DACA Resources

Reading Resources

Writing Resources

Local, National, and International News

Country Information and Maps

Primary Sources


Plagiarism Information

Other Libraries and Resources

Helpful Links