Senior Pictures and Quotes Are Due January 7, 2025
Posted on: November 25, 2024
Viking Seniors and Families
Please submit your photo and quote for the yearbook as soon as possible. The deadline is January 7, 2025.
Picture Guidelines
- Must be .jpeg file
- Color photos only
- Plain/neutral background preferred
- Full face view, facing forward
- Clothing and jewelry must fit school dress code guidelines
- No creative filters or photographic treatments
- No weapons or hand signs of any kind
Include your contact info, then choose Upload Your Portrait and follow the steps. This is where you submit your senior quote as well.
Quote Guidelines
- Your senior quote can be 70 characters long (to fit space requirements).
- Spaces, letters and punctuation count as characters!
- Quotes from songs/other people should be put in quotation marks and the original author should be noted.
- Drug, alcohol, gang, or other inappropriate references are prohibited. Senior quotes with any questionable content will NOT be included at all.
- Ideas: thank people who have supported you the last four years; refer to the sports or activities you’ve been a part of; include part of a meaningful quotation or song lyric (remember to give credit to the original author); talk about future plans, past accomplishments, or other important things.